My favorite 700-year-old Christmas quotation
What good is it to me if Mary gave birth to the Son of God 1400 years ago and I do not give birth to the Son of God in my own person and...
On Contents and Contentments
I heard an advertisement refer to Black Friday this year as “Thanksgetting.” I enjoy wordplay, but this one makes me shudder at the...
Listening Past the Static of Doubt
I recently discovered that in the final fifteen years of his life, Leo Tolstoy was focused on collecting wisdom quotations and writing...
Taking Snapshots with the Camera of the Soul
This Living the Winged Life is delayed a bit because I took a trip to Lebanon for eleven days, and the weeks before and after a trip were...
How to Live in the Moment
One of the songs on James Taylor’s first album of original material in thirteen years contains the following lyric: Thin, thin, the...
On Becoming Prone to Accidents of Joy
I heard the first cicada of summer the other evening as I sat on the porch and watched the sky change hues every few minutes as the day...
True Freedom
In his recent book The Road to Character, David Brooks writes that “...the external drama up the ladder of success is important, but the...
Notice Prayer When It Happens
Over thirty years ago, a priest friend, Jim Bacik, offered to be my spiritual director for a week-long retreat on prayer. I agreed to...
Four Common Factors in Spiritual Growth
There’s an interesting finding in research on psychotherapy. When hundreds of different approaches to helping people change are put to...
A Faith Lift
A few winters ago I started embracing winter by bundling up and going out onto the front porch to watch the sunset as often as I could...